„The success of consultancy services is to be measured by the value added for the customer!“
Rainer Bücker, Founder of Bücker Cost Consulting
The Company
We are a young consultancy organisation with fresh ideas. Our competencies are based on a broad spectrum of experience gathered over many years in industrial business Application Areas (automotive, furniture technology) and through technical consultancy services. Together with select co-op partners we form a homogeneous dedicated team focusing our expertise on improving your profit situation.
We advise and support business organisations of the manufacturing industry with the objective to improve their costs of products and manufacturing by means of:
Analysis and Advisory Service
- Analysis of product costs
- Cost optimisation
- Advisory service on cost issues
Cost Analysis Software
- R&D and sales
- Training and professional education
Projects executed to date include the following business Application Areas:
- Automotive
- Subcontractors of the petroleum industry
- Power engineering
- Engineering of construction equipment and agricultural machinery
Rainer Bücker
Dipl. Ing. / B Eng (Hons)
Experience record of 15 years in the areas of R&D, purchasing, value/cost analysis