
Software Cost Commander

Site-specific data, material, machinery, volume or overheads may be arranged or changed via self-explanatory input windows.

Cost Commander Basisdaten

The function „AllCalculations“ will give you an overview of cost factors for all individual calculations. Easy coordination of process parameters is a special strength of this function.

Transfer your cost analysis into the „Cost Breakdown“ together with all quotation-specific data. You may add pictures from the calculations by mouse click to improve the presentation. This function has proved very useful for internal cost discussions, negotiations or for elaborating product-specific quotation request forms.

Cost Commander Cost Breakdown

Prognoses and simulations of your individual costs and the total costs over the product life cycle are important functions for sustainable cost control. They simulate the effects of possible changes for …

  • Volumes
  • Labour costs
  • Energy costs
  • Prices of materials

Just one click gives you a comparative picture of all the important costs for product and production. This will allow you to identify potentials.

Cost Commander Kostentreier Analyse

Re-allocate individual component parts or processes according to their specific work group or function. Thus, grouping and evaluation are much facilitated and require a minimum amount of time.
As special benefit of this function you may adapt your calculation very quickly to the structure of suppliers’ offers received. This enables you to compare prices of suppliers directly with the product costs, in a 1:1 scale.

Cost Commander Kostenanalyse
Der Clou dieser Funktion: Sie können Ihre Kalkulation sehr schnell an die Struktur erhaltener Lieferantenangebote anpassen. So können Sie Lieferantenpreise direkt mit den Produktkosten 1:1 vergleichen.

Export/import your finished calculations or basic data into a central data bank on your computer drive or server. This puts you in a position to access data quickly or to secure them on a back-up server.

Click on ‘Insert graphic’, select the respective picture (jpg, pdf), and it will be scaled to the appropriate size and will be fitted into the system in a disk-space saving manner.

As overhead rates may vary within business areas, production technologies and product groups, you have the option to arrange for specific overhead categories.

Manufacturing processes and component parts may be entered directly. Right at the moment of input you provide for the respective position within the value-added chain. A simple click at the conclusion of inputs will release the calculation for further actions. Delete/Insert/Move – a child’s play.

Bücker Cost Consulting